Ошибка 404: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: SRVE0190E: файл не найден: / oidcclient / redirect / MyRP

Я пытаюсь интегрировать службу AppID с моим весенним приложением. Для этого я добавил redirect-uri https: // app-host-name: номер-порта / oidcclient / redirect / MyRP в службу MyAppId - ›Управление -› Настройки аутентификации с целью перенаправления обратно в приложение после аутентификации учетных данных пользователя.

Теперь проблема в том, что когда пользователь пытается войти в приложение после ввода учетных данных, он не перенаправляется на uri, который я указал в своем коде приложения, вместо этого он дает код 404, указанный в теме.

Просмотрите указанный ниже код, относящийся к части реализации AppID, и предложите мне решение этой проблемы.

Ниже приводится технологический стек приложения: -

1.Spring (4.3.0.RELEASE)
2.Spring Security (4.1.1.RELEASE)
3.Websphere Liberty (

Я реализовал код интеграции в соответствии с официальным репозиторием кода IBM для AppID на https://github.com/ibm-cloud-security/app-id-sample-java

В код приложения внесены следующие изменения: -


<!-- Enable features -->
    <!-- Features for APP ID -->

<!-- To access this server from a remote client add a host attribute to the following element, e.g. host="*" -->
<httpEndpoint httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint"/>
<!-- Automatically expand WAR files and EAR files -->
<applicationManager autoExpand="true" startTimeout="15m"/>

<applicationMonitor updateTrigger="mbean"/>

<keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" password="${keystore_password}"/>
<keyStore id="digicertRootCA" location="${server.config.dir}/resources/security/digicert-root-ca.jks" password="digicert"/>
<ssl id="oidcClientSSL" keyStoreRef="defaultKeyStore" trustStoreRef="digicertRootCA"/>

  <authFilter id="myAuthFilter">
    <requestUrl id="myRequestUrl" urlPattern="/appid_callback" matchType="contains"/>

<openidConnectClient id="MyRP"
                     clientSecret= "${env.APP_ID_CLIENT_SECRET}"
<application id="ne" location="ne-1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.war" name="ne">
        <security-role name="appidrole">
                    <special-subject type="ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS" />


xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_1.xsd" 







    <display-name>Security Constraints</display-name>
        <web-resource-name>Security Constraint</web-resource-name>

<!-- <filter>
    <filter-name>FilterToGetTimeOut </filter-name> 
    <filter-class>example.common.filter.FilterToGetTimeOut </filter-class> 
</filter-mapping> -->



@RequestMapping(value="/", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String appidCallbackMapping(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    logger.info("present in appid callback mapping method created in UserController.java ===> [email protected]");
    Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
    String idTokenRaw = null;
    try {
        idTokenRaw = getIDToken();
    } catch (IOException e2) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    logger.info("calling getIdToken before checking whether auth object instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken ===> [email protected]");
    logger.info("idToken Value :- " + idTokenRaw);
    if (!(auth instanceof AnonymousAuthenticationToken)) {
        logger.info("authentication object found not to be an instance of AnonymousAuthenticationToken (successfully )===> [email protected]");
         try {
             idTokenRaw = getIDToken();
             logger.info("inside check of AnonymousAuthenticationToken --> tokenValue ===> " + idTokenRaw);
             if (idTokenRaw != null) {
                    String idTokenPayload = getTokenPayload(idTokenRaw);
                    // save the id_token and user's name on the request so that
                    // they can be passed on to UI elements
                    JSONObject idTokenContent = JSONObject.parse(idTokenPayload);
                    String username = idTokenContent.get("name").toString();
                    logger.info("Username value retrieved from appid token :- " + username);
                //    request.setAttribute("name", username);
                //   request.setAttribute("id_token", idTokenPayload);
                } else {
                    logger.info("No id_token located via security context");
        } catch (IOException e1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         UserDetails userDetail=null;
         userDetail = (UserDetails) auth.getPrincipal();
         ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
         try {
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         String userId= userDetail.getUsername();
        logger.info("User Id of the user as follows :- " + userId); 
        return "redirect:/company";
        return "redirect:/appid_callback";

   private String getIDToken() throws IOException{
    Subject wasSubj;
    try {
        wasSubj = WSSubject.getRunAsSubject();
    } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
        // In real applications, exception should be handled better
        throw new IOException(e);

    Set<Hashtable> creds = wasSubj.getPrivateCredentials(Hashtable.class);

    for (Hashtable hTable : creds) {
        if (hTable.containsKey("id_token")) {
            return hTable.get("id_token").toString();
    //return null if not found
    return null;

 private String getTokenPayload(String token) {
        String payload64 = token.split("\\.")[1];
        String payload = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(payload64));
        return payload;


public class AppIdCallBackServlet extends HttpServlet {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(FileUploadController.class);

 * @see HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {

    logger.info("present in doGet nethod of appIdCallback method ==> [email protected]");
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    try {
        String idTokenRaw = getIDToken();
        if (idTokenRaw != null) {
            String idTokenPayload = getTokenPayload(idTokenRaw);
            // save the id_token and user's name on the request so that
            // they can be passed on to UI elements
            JSONObject idTokenContent = JSONObject.parse(idTokenPayload);
            String username = idTokenContent.get("name").toString();
            logger.info("username value retrieved from token and currently present in AppIdCallbackServlet.java file ===> " + username);
            request.setAttribute("name", username);
            request.setAttribute("id_token", idTokenPayload);
        } else {
            out.println("No id_token located via security context");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // In real applications, exception should be handled better
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/").forward(request, response);

private String getTokenPayload(String token) {
    String payload64 = token.split("\\.")[1];
    String payload = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(payload64));
    return payload;

This method uses Liberty API to extract a Hashtable object that contains
the App ID tokens.
private String getIDToken() throws IOException{
    Subject wasSubj;
    try {
        wasSubj = WSSubject.getRunAsSubject();
    } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
        // In real applications, exception should be handled better
        throw new IOException(e);

    Set<Hashtable> creds = wasSubj.getPrivateCredentials(Hashtable.class);

    for (Hashtable hTable : creds) {
        if (hTable.containsKey("id_token")) {
            return hTable.get("id_token").toString();
    //return null if not found
    return null;


  protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

person dlakra96    schedule 12.03.2021    source источник

Ответы (1)

В server.xml вместо <keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" password="${keystore_password}"/> <keyStore id="digicertRootCA" location="${server.config.dir}/resources/security/digicert-root-ca.jks" password="digicert"/> <ssl id="oidcClientSSL" keyStoreRef="defaultKeyStore" trustStoreRef="digicertRootCA"/>

Попробуйте использовать <keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" password="${keystore_password}"/> <ssl id="oidcClientSSL" keyStoreRef="defaultKeyStore" trustDefaultCerts="true" />

person Sachin Gupta    schedule 21.04.2021
Спасибо, у меня сработало. - person dlakra96; 21.04.2021