TrapRoomTile не имеет ловушки атрибутов?

Мой TrapRoomTile теперь выдает ошибку TrapRoomTile не имеет ловушки атрибута. Я объявляю self.trap = items.Pitfall(), он написан точно так же, как написаны мои тайлы врагов, но я продолжаю получать сообщение об ошибке. Я предполагаю, что упускаю из виду что-то маленькое, как обычно, поэтому любая помощь будет оценена

import enemies
import npc
import random
import time
import items

class MapTile:
def __init__(self, x, y):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y

def intro_text(self):
    raise NotImplementedError("Create a subclass instead!")

def modify_player(self, player): 

class StartTile(MapTile): def intro_text(self): return \n Вы оказываетесь в пещере с мерцающим факелом на стене. Вы можете разглядеть четыре пути, каждый одинаково темный и зловещий. время сна (0,5)

class EnemyTile(MapTile):
def __init__(self, x, y):

    r = random.random()
    if r < 0.50:
        self.enemy = enemies.GiantSpider()
        self.alive_text =  "\nA giant spider jumps down from " \
                          "its web in front of you!"
        self.dead_text = "\nThe corpse of a dead spider " \
                         "rots on the ground."
    elif r < 0.80:
        self.enemy = enemies.Ogre()
        self.alive_text = "\n An ogre is blocking your path!"
        self.dead_text = "\nA dead ogre reminds you of your triumph."
    elif r < 0.95:
        self.enemy = enemies.BatColony()
        self.alive_text = "\nYou hear a squeaking noise growing louder" \
                          "...suddenly you are lost in swarm of bats!"
        self.dead_text = "\nDozens of dead bats are scattered on the ground."
        self.enemy = enemies.RockMonster()
        self.alive_text = "\nYou've disturbed a rock monster " \
                          "from his slumber!"
        self.dead_text = "\nDefeated, the monster has reverted " \
                         "into an ordinary rock."
    super().__init__(x, y)
def intro_text(self):
    text = self.alive_text if self.enemy.is_alive() else self.dead_text
    return text

def modify_player(self, player):
    if self.enemy.is_alive():
        player.hp = player.hp - self.enemy.damage
        print("Enemy does {} damage. You have {} HP remaining.".
              format(self.enemy.damage, player.hp))
    if not self.enemy.is_alive(): = +
        if == 0:
        player.exp = player.exp + self.enemy.exp
        total_exp = player.exp
        levels = [0,200,450,1012]
        if True:
            current_level = sum(1 for x in levels if x <= total_exp)
            player.player_lvl = current_level
            if not self.enemy.is_alive():
                self.enemy.exp = 0

class GoblinScoutTile(EnemyTile):
def __init__(self,x,y):
    self.enemy = enemies.GoblinScout()
    r = random.random()
    if r < .20:
        self.alive_text = "\nA small goblin jumps out at you its not much to look at..."\
                            "Lookout its got a knife!"
    elif r < 50:
        self.alive_text = "\nOut of a dark recess in the wall jumps a goblin"\
                            " ready to scewer you with his dagger"
        self.alive_text = "\nYou hear a gutteral voice out of the dark "\
                            "walks a goblin ready for battle!"
    self.dead_text = "\nA dead goblin body."

    super().__init__(x, y)

class GoblinBasherTile(EnemyTile):
def __init__(self,x,y):
    self.enemy = enemies.GoblinBasher()
    self.alive_text = "\nLookout a Goblin basher and he is looking for a fight."

    self.dead_text = "\n The body of a dead Goblin basher"

класс VictoryTile(MapTile): def modify_player(self,player): player.victory = True

def intro_text(self):
    return """
    You see a bright light in the distance...
    ... it grows as you get closer! It's sunlight!
    Victory is yours!

class FindGoldTile(MapTile):
def __init__(self, x, y): = random.randint(1, 50)
    self.gold_claimed = False
    super().__init__(x, y)

def modify_player(self, player):
    if not self.gold_claimed:
        self.gold_claimed = True = +
        print("+{} gold added.".format(

def intro_text(self):
    if self.gold_claimed:
        return """
        Another unremarkable part of the cave. You must forge onwards.
        return """
        Someone dropped some gold. You pick it up.
class TrapRoomTile(MapTile):
def __init__(self, x, y):
    r = random.randint(1,2)
    if r == 1:
        self.trap = items.PitFall()

        self.tripped_text = "The open hole of a Pit Fall trap obstructs the tunnel."

        self.set_text = "The floor in this hallway is unusually clean."

        self.set_text = "Looks like more bare stone... "
    super().__init__(x, y)

def modify_player(self,player):
    if not self.trap.is_tripped():
        player.hp = player.hp - self.items.damage
        print("You stumbled into a trap!")
        print("\nTrap does {} damage. You have {} HP remaining.".
              format(self.items.damage, player.hp))

def intro_text(self):
    text = self.tripped_text if self.trap.is_tripped() else self.set_text
    return text

class EmptyRoomTile(MapTile):
def intro_text(self):
    r = random.random()
    if r < .10:
        Rough hewn stone walls are all you can make out in the flickering tourch light.
    elif r < .30:
        There is nothing remarkable in this part of the tunnel keep moving onward!
    elif r < .50:
        The dirt in this part of th ecave is scuffed but otherise there is nothing
        remarkable here. best push on.
    elif r < 70:
        You've been walking for a while without finding anyone or anything.
        no sense in going back now better keep moving.
        Great more stone... Is that a breeze I feel better keep going.

class TraderTile(MapTile):
def __init__(self, x, y):
    self.trader = npc.Trader()
    super().__init__(x, y)

def check_if_trade(self, player):
    while True:
        print("Would you like to (B)uy, (S)ell, or (Q)uit?")
        user_input = input()
        if user_input in ['Q', 'q']:
        elif user_input in ['B', 'b']:
            print("Here's whats available to buy: ")
  , seller=self.trader)
        elif user_input in ['S', 's']:
            print("Here's whats available to sell: ")
  , seller=player)
            print("Invalid choice!")

def trade(self, buyer, seller):
    for i, item in enumerate(seller.inventory, 1):
        print("{}. {} - {} Gold".format(i,, item.value))
    while True:
        user_input = input("Choose an item or press Q to exit: ")
        if user_input in ['Q', 'q']:
                choice = int(user_input)
                to_swap = seller.inventory[choice - 1]
                self.swap(seller, buyer, to_swap)
            except ValueError:
                print("Invalid choice!")

def swap(self, seller, buyer, item):
    if item.value >
        print("That's too expensive")
    buyer.inventory.append(item) = int( + int(item.value) = int( - int(item.value)
    print("Trade complete!")

def intro_text(self):
    return """
    A frail not-quite-human, not-quite-creature squats in the corner
    clinking his gold coins together. He looks willing to trade.

world_dsl = |EN|EN|VT|EN|EN| |RU| | | |RU| |EN|FG|GS| |ТТ| |ТТ| |СТ|ФГ|EN| |ФГ| |ТР| |ФГ|

def is_dsl_valid(dsl):
if dsl.count("|ST|") != 1:
    return False
if dsl.count("|VT|") == 0:
    return False
lines = dsl.splitlines()
lines = [l for l in lines if l]
pipe_counts = [line.count("|") for line in lines]
for count in pipe_counts:
    if count != pipe_counts[0]:
        return False

return True

 tile_type_dict = {"VT": VictoryTile,
              "EN": EnemyTile,
              "ST": StartTile,
              "FG": FindGoldTile,
              "TT": TraderTile,
              "GS": GoblinScoutTile,
              "GB": GoblinBasherTile,
              "ER": EmptyRoomTile,
              "  ": None}

world_map = []

start_tile_location = None

def parse_world_dsl():
if not is_dsl_valid(world_dsl):
    raise SyntaxError("DSL is invalid!")

dsl_lines = world_dsl.splitlines()
dsl_lines = [x for x in dsl_lines if x]

for y, dsl_row in enumerate(dsl_lines):
    row = []
    dsl_cells = dsl_row.split("|")
    dsl_cells = [c for c in dsl_cells if c]
    for x, dsl_cell in enumerate(dsl_cells):
        tile_type = tile_type_dict[dsl_cell]
        if tile_type == StartTile:
            global start_tile_location
            start_tile_location = x, y
        row.append(tile_type(x, y) if tile_type else None)


def tile_at(x, y):
if x < 0 or y < 0:
    return None
    return world_map[y][x]
except IndexError:
    return None

person Gus Robins    schedule 16.09.2020    source источник
Вы создаете ловушку только иногда. В 50% случаев вы вообще не добавляете этот атрибут в свой TrapRoomTile: if r == 1: self.trap = items.PitFall() . Вы можете поставить self.trap = None вместо остальных, если вы действительно хотите иметь плитки с ловушками без ловушек.   -  person antont    schedule 16.09.2020

Ответы (1)

Вы создаете ловушку только иногда. В 50% случаев вы вообще не добавляете этот атрибут в свой TrapRoomTile:

r = random.randint(1,2)
if r == 1:
    self.trap = items.PitFall() 

Вы можете поставить self.trap = None на else, если вы действительно хотите иметь плитки с ловушками без ловушек. Затем вам нужно проверить, есть ли на плитке ловушки ловушка, когда вы попытаетесь ее использовать.

Также может оказаться, что подход, основанный на компонентах, вместо подклассов, будет вам лучше, но это уже другая история.

person antont    schedule 16.09.2020