Ошибка установки eclipse che с использованием chectl — FailedScheduling

Я какое-то время пытался установить Eclipse Che с minikube, и есть момент, когда я не могу продвинуться вперед.

Эта точка сразу после запуска

chectl server:start --platform minikube

И ошибка возникает в этот момент:

 ❯ ✅  Post installation checklist
    ❯ PostgreSQL pod bootstrap
      ✔ scheduling...done.
      ✖ downloading images
        → ERR_TIMEOUT: Timeout set to pod wait timeout 300000


    Show important messages
 ›   Error: Error: ERR_TIMEOUT: Timeout set to pod wait timeout 300000
 ›   Installation failed, check logs in '/tmp/chectl-logs/1592460423915'

Если мы посмотрим на вывод журнала, мы увидим ошибку, которая повторяется

0s          Warning   FailedScheduling       pod/postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl         running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator

Это будет полный вывод журнала

LAST SEEN   TYPE     REASON              OBJECT                    MESSAGE
0s          Normal   ScalingReplicaSet   deployment/che-operator   Scaled up replica set che-operator-7f7575f6fb to 1
0s          Normal   SuccessfulCreate    replicaset/che-operator-7f7575f6fb   Created pod: che-operator-7f7575f6fb-xjqg9
0s          Normal   Scheduled           pod/che-operator-7f7575f6fb-xjqg9    Successfully assigned che/che-operator-7f7575f6fb-xjqg9 to minikube
0s          Normal   Pulling             pod/che-operator-7f7575f6fb-xjqg9    Pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-operator:7.14.2"
0s          Normal   Pulled              pod/che-operator-7f7575f6fb-xjqg9    Successfully pulled image "quay.io/eclipse/che-operator:7.14.2"
0s          Normal   Created             pod/che-operator-7f7575f6fb-xjqg9    Created container che-operator
0s          Normal   Started             pod/che-operator-7f7575f6fb-xjqg9    Started container che-operator
0s          Normal   SuccessfulCreate    job/che-tls-job                      Created pod: che-tls-job-6pj8p
0s          Normal   Scheduled           pod/che-tls-job-6pj8p                Successfully assigned che/che-tls-job-6pj8p to minikube
0s          Normal   Pulling             pod/che-tls-job-6pj8p                Pulling image "quay.io/eclipse/che-tls-secret-creator:alpine-3029769"
0s          Normal   Pulled              pod/che-tls-job-6pj8p                Successfully pulled image "quay.io/eclipse/che-tls-secret-creator:alpine-3029769"
0s          Normal   Created             pod/che-tls-job-6pj8p                Created container che-tls-job-job-container
0s          Normal   Started             pod/che-tls-job-6pj8p                Started container che-tls-job-job-container
0s          Normal   Completed           job/che-tls-job                      Job completed
0s          Normal   ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal   ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal   ScalingReplicaSet      deployment/postgres                   Scaled up replica set postgres-59b797464c to 1
0s          Normal   SuccessfulCreate       replicaset/postgres-59b797464c        Created pod: postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl
0s          Warning   FailedScheduling       pod/postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl         running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
0s          Warning   FailedScheduling       pod/postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl         running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Warning   FailedScheduling       pod/postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl         running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Warning   FailedScheduling       pod/postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl         running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Warning   FailedScheduling       pod/postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl         running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Warning   FailedScheduling       pod/postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl         running "VolumeBinding" filter plugin for pod "postgres-59b797464c-vdfnl": pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator
0s          Normal    ExternalProvisioning   persistentvolumeclaim/postgres-data   waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "k8s.io/minikube-hostpath" or manually created by system administrator

На данный момент я не знаю, как поступить. В настоящее время у меня установлен миникуб с kvm2. Машина, на которой он запущен, является виртуальной машиной с включенной вложенной виртуализацией. Следуя советам документации de che lanzo minikube с не менее 4 ГБ оперативной памяти (у виртуальной машины не менее 6). Я также пришел, чтобы попробовать решение, которое я нашел здесь, в стеке, для ошибки тайм-аута, это было просто увеличение времени ожидания, поэтому ошибка появлялась дольше, и я наконец понял, каким новичком я был, и я посмотрел на журнал .

Это список версий, которые я установил

Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release:        10
Codename:       buster

minikube version: v1.11.0
commit: 57e2f55f47effe9ce396cea42a1e0eb4f611ebbd

Client Version: 

Eclipse Che CLI

  chectl/7.14.2 linux-x64 node-v10.21.0

QEMU emulator version 3.1.0 (Debian 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u5)
Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers

person Alo    schedule 18.06.2020    source источник

Ответы (1)

Вы можете попробовать версию minikube 1.7.3 вместо minikube 1.11.0. Я столкнулся с той же проблемой, и она была решена в версии 1.7.3.

Я надеюсь, что это поможет вам.

Ваше здоровье.

person muralidhar palla    schedule 19.06.2020
С какой версией kubectl? Я читал, что версия kubectl должна быть близка к версии клиента, например, если я правильно понимаю, если я устанавливаю minikube 1.7.3. Версия kubectl должна быть не ниже 1.6... верно? или вы, например, используете самый последний? - person Alo; 22.06.2020
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: я уже видел, как средство загружает собственный kubectl. Что ж, большое спасибо !!!, я наконец-то установил че, используя указанную вами версию, и, похоже, она работает !! - person Alo; 22.06.2020