Interlocked.Increment в блоке finally

Просматривая исходники .NET Core, я нашел следующий фрагмент в ConcurrentQueue<T> source:

//We need do Interlocked.Increment and value/state update in a finally block to ensure that they run
//without interuption. This is to prevent anything from happening between them, and another dequeue
//thread maybe spinning forever to wait for _state[] to be true;
{ }
    newhigh = Interlocked.Increment(ref _high);
    if (newhigh <= SEGMENT_SIZE - 1)
        _array[newhigh] = value;
        _state[newhigh]._value = true;

    //if this thread takes up the last slot in the segment, then this thread is responsible
    //to grow a new segment. Calling Grow must be in the finally block too for reliability reason:
    //if thread abort during Grow, other threads will be left busy spinning forever.
    if (newhigh == SEGMENT_SIZE - 1)

Итак, вопрос в том, какова цель здесь пустого try блока и помещения этого кода в finally блок?

person DixonD    schedule 10.09.2015    source источник
Этот комментарий гласит: We need do Interlocked.Increment and value/state update in a finally block to ensure that they run without interuption. This is to prevent anything from happening between them, and another dequeue thread maybe spinning forever to wait for _state[] to be true.   -  person GSerg    schedule 10.09.2015